August 30th 2009 – Fakatcha



how are you?

The day before yesterday we went to a ceremony of Ima cousin. It is his first son and after the circumcision, you have to pay for him, so God won’t take him. Well, if you won’t know who will come you might have thought that it will be fun: good food on a sunny Friday afternoon. But as Aba said – it just didn’t work. Something was missing.

We had fun. We had Fatma of course, that dressed up in a dress that left little for imagination. When she asked Ima to buy her high heel shoes, Ima asked her: “Does anybody else in your class have high heel shoes”. Fatma answered her and said that only the biggest Fakatcha  in school. And Ima went and buy her it. If Fakatcha stands for a “little ignoring loud girl”, Fatma is really growing to be one (if growing is the right word to describe a girl that doesn’t seem to get any taller)  – somehow she manage to produce very high voices from her mouth. As said – Fakatcha.

We played with all our little relatives watching all the animals that were there. Instead of sitting in the hot hall and wait to the waitress to bring us food. Too bad, there were no children meals so they had to go eat an hamburger.

The funniest part was when the grandmother took the microphone and started talking. She was telling about her redhead daughter and how all the doctors in the hospital were surprised to see she’s real redhead and didn’t painted her hair. She talked about all the redheads in her family and how the other doctors were surprised to see she’s really redhead. We really didn’t get the point until Ima started to laugh down at the table at her, and say she really won’t tell us that over here. We didn’t get it, let’s see if you can get it.

Yesterday we went to see our grandfather, our mother father. when he and Ima talks it’s so funny. “Do you got cables” – I don’t knew – “But your grandson said you got cables – “So he said. I don’t know, I didn’t ask him if I got cables.”
Ima still mad at him for not telling her he bought a car, but telling it to Aba.

If you still don’t get what Ima was laugthing about – I will help you: What hair does the doctor see when you give birth?

Take care