The animals – 242nd day

The animals in Gaza strip are innocent. You can argue about how innocent are the man, woman and children in Gaza strip (some in my platoon say there are Hamas terrorists or activities and the rest are just poor people trying to survive. While some think any Palestinian on sight should be shoot down)

Most of the animals are cats and dogs. The cats, as always, do not want any connection with human, but they do want you to feed them. So some of them are nice and nice to ask for food but run away with it when they got it.

The dogs, again as dogs are, want you not only to feed them but also looking for human comfort and love. That is a problem because any bite from them will lead you take three shots against Rabies (that is also right inside Israel and not only in Gaza strip).

About two months ago one man go bite and got Rabies in one of Gaza surroundings settlements, and as he did not got the shots, he will probably die.  The do that bite him came from Gaza strip and had entered Israel.

So you walking around the dogs that lie down in the building, around the buildings, around the tanks and just try to avoid dogs that wish to snap the food you eat or looking you to pet them. And is very hard to resist petting the small puppies running around looking for attention.

Take Care

Gaza dog standing in line with an infantry company about to leave the compound

A pack of dogs playing or dinning on the food leftovers inside the tanks parking area - animals A pack of dogs playing or dinning on the food leftovers inside the tanks parking

The pack is depending its territory from another pack that climbed over the rampart - animalsThe pack is depending its territory from another pack that climbed over the rampart

Animals by Martin Garrix came into my mind while writing this post