October 7th, 2015
Lalibela, Ethiopia
Hi =),
After a day and half in Lalibela, I finally got to the famous Monolithic Churches of Lalibela!
They were built in the 13th century. Well built is the wrong word, they were curved in the stone what makes you think they had to think of every detail in advance.
Atzva walk around, and lowered the excitement: “It is Scoria, it is not hard to dig in it. I was impressed if it was Basalt“.
It is still impressive to see those building stands for so long.
As I said, It is only my second day in Lalibela. But that is enough to understand that I been ripped off.
I know… I am a tourist. They take more money from you. But come on – some proportions. While the locals are paying only 2 Birr to enter the Churches, I have to pay 1000 Birr! (50$).
Well you say: “they live there and pray”, that make sense. You might be right, but if I pay that much – can at least I get a map?!
Those how things work around here: There is the local (Abasha) price and there is the price for foreigners (Faranji).
And they saying it to you in your face, and giving you a different menu in restaurants, writing it on the boards…
Well I guess that if we can afford ourselves to come here – we can finance them =P
Take Care
Yep, if you are a foreigner – you’ll pay more
Working in the streets of Lalibela, paving them with stones and casting concrete trenches. Don’t be confused the Loader is for the kids to play, the woman are moving the material when needed.
First group of Churches – The Northern Group
I don’t know about the Churches, but the 3D lattice roof over them already make me smile =).
Wow! well the Churches also makes me smile =D
The first, and biggest church – Biete Medhane Alem (House of the Saviour of the World). They also have a water tank to harvest water rain – just like Atzva done in the village =)
The gate between Biete Medhane Alem church and Biete Maryam (house of maryam) church.
Biete Maryam church
The entrance to Biete Meskel (house of cross) church
Biete Denagel church
Biete Golgotha Mikael (House of skull) church
Outside Biete Golgotha Mikael church
Bet Uraiel and Adam tomb inside.
outside Biete Golgotha Mikael church
A Crypt outside the Biete Golgotha Mikael church
And the monk holding the cross (Only after I understood he took it out for me to kiss it =D)
All of the Churches are surrounded with deep tunnels, Gates and underground tunnels
Those are the living cells of the Ethiopian monks
The “expensive” houses of the monks
A close-up on the rock (Scoria) and the Mica mineral inside it
The 3D lattice that covers the Churches.
The supports of the 3D lattice that covers the Churches.
I haven’t quite understand why some supports has more metal plates and some less.
The exit from the Western group
A Loom.
Second group of Churches – The The Western Group
The famous Biete Giyorgis church
Mummified buddies of pilgrims that asked to be buried near the church
Those considered to be the footprints of the horse of Saint George that ordered the King of Lalibela to built that church.
Around the village
Traditional two-story stone houses
The market of Lalibela (Works only on Saturdays)
Injera for 3 (the other Injeras are rolled on the side of the dish)
Third group of Churches – The The Eastern Group
Biete Gabriel-Rufael church (House of the angels Gabriel, and Raphael) – under renovation
Biete Abba Libanos Church (House of Abbot Libanos)
The church from inside, and from the inner yard
The tunnels between Biete Abba Libanos Church and Biete Amanuel Church (House of Emmanuel)
Biete Amanuel Church (House of Emmanuel)
Biete Amanuel Church (House of Emmanuel) from inside
Biete Amanuel Church (House of Emmanuel) from the inner court
A monk standing in the door of Biete Amanuel Church
The “secret” second way to Eastern group
The tunnel leading to Biete Qeddus Mercoreus church and a church on the side
Biete Qeddus Mercoreus church from inside
The 3D lattice roofs over the Eastern group of the Churches
I have the feeling that those supports doesn’t work
ABC (Another Bloody Church) – I really don’t know which is it, and I don’t have knowledge on it.
The Tunnels that leads to Eastern group – Monolithic Churches