December 24th 2009 – Namsaling, Nepal – concrete strength



We just played Ultimate Frisbee for a couple of hours.

We took the Frisbee and went down to the playground near school, starting throwing it to each other. Our host, Indra, that speaks a bit of English joined us.

When the children finished school, they stood on the road above us and watched us play until we manage to make them come and play with us. And the moment we manage we had a game! and it was a good one. We had the lead 2-0 but we lost 3-2 🙁

Dana plays every Thursday afternoon in the grass that is in the middle of the Technion, and that made her so happy to play here.

we were supposed to take apart the dome today. We woke up in Ilam in 6:00 in the morning and after having tea we walked to Namsaling to test the concrete with hope it will be strong enough to support it self weight. The test went bad =\

First of all I didn’t make the examples the right way, and second the machines we built couldn’t give us a real estimate how strong is the concrete. We decided to wait another day. We had only 10% percent of the strength of the concrete, we thought it will be strong enough. We have caves in Israel that made of a chalk rock with the same strength and it stood there for hundred of years. We didn’t take it apart today because we thought it will be stronger and we were so disappointed when it broke down, We couldn’t go after that and take apart the dome (it definitely won’t look good…)

I felt so bad because I made the examples and if I would have done it better, We could have take it faster and show them that the concrete is strong enough and they don’t have to wait 10 days to take it apart. That is why I am here – as a constructor and I a failed in my job….

Take Care

Lying on the grass in Namsaling - concreteLying on the grass in Namsaling

A carpenter in Ilam - concreteA carpenter in Ilam

Namsaling, Nepal

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Namsaling, Nepal 26.915346, 87.987099