December 9th 2008 – Arabic friend



Hello Dear

How are you?

I hope you didn’t suffer too much from your period, And that you had a lot of fun in the party. It must be a good one after so much time without any party.

Here everything is OK.

Yoni asked us all to be her pilot audience to a lecture she’s trying. It’s about Harry Potter (in case you don’t knew, it’s a series of fantasy books). She is really into all that stuff. I think she met Dior, her husband, in some fantasy forum in the Internet. There was a big mess couple of weeks ago, with the computer system of a big bank, and because she’s working in the banking in the computer system we all blame it on her.

I wonder to myself, where have you seen me lately?
I haven’t sent you a picture in a long time, Miss. I don’t have a body that keeps itself skinny, the other way.

Fatma read your latters. She read them well and a problem with only one word – “perhaps”.

I told her something about you and it was the 27th of that month, somehow she remembered your birthday is in the 27th, but she didn’t remembered what month (I know when his your birthday. If I wouldn’t, there’s nothing easier than check it your the emails). You are probably familiar with the song “American Boy”. They made a Hebrew song called “Arabic friend” with the same music. It’s about a girl called Fatma that found an Arabic friend. We started laughing about Fatma that she’s have an Arabic friend. She said she would never have one because we (Nathan, Guri and I) will never stop laughing about it.

By the way, during July both Guri and Fatma will have summer vacation (for Guri it will be the last summer vacation, he’ll finish 12th grade). But they will both have summer camps and scouts seminars. I will probably still learn.

In the picture – Guri still try to kill the lice in his hair.

By the time you will read my next letter, you will already be at California. I wish you a good vacation and I hope you will enjoy there (are you still planning to work there?).

Take Care

P.S. There was no purpose of make you mad, by telling you I’m not looking at picture, Miss. Would I know I it will make mad or react that way, I wouldn’t have told you about it. Maybe your period made you react that way (by the way, try “Please” next time it).