Givat Ze’ev synagogue tribune disaster

Two weeks has passed since Meron disaster, and and now it is the tribune disaster who hit the Haredi community –

2 died and 184 were injured when a tribune in a not yet finished synagogue had collapsed during a pray for Shavuot holiday. You don’t need to be a construction engineer to understand it was not stable enough to hold the crowd.

It might sound like the Ultra Orthodox has nothing to do with. As this is from above, as is God is trying to say something to them. I don’t think God is trying to point out something, except to keep the rules of physics and country and only those of the religion.

But the Ultra Orthodox are not to be blamed. Or better say, not the community but those who stand in the head of it. Even I, when I visit a crowded event, doesn’t check if all the approvals and permits been received.

Those who run the show need to see that approvals from the fire department, police and so on are given. And if not cancel it.

In this event, both the police and the municipal authority were familiar with this event. The mayor asked the police to prevent it as he cannot do it with the people he has, and the police claims she cannot prevent religion event from taking place. Both will be blamed. But for my opinion – shouldn’t be.

That is a clear case of how the ultra orthodox autonomy mainly hurts itself. And why Israel, as a country should not let it exists any more.

Take Care

tribune disaster - Givat Ze'ev synagouge before the collapseThe tribune disaster synagogue before the collapse

Look how this tribune is builtLook how this tribune is built

A video of the collapse


The tribune in Givat Ze’ev synagogue after the collapse