August 15th 2009 – IDF draft




How are you? I hope your vacation was good and that you now can finish your last year at school without a problem. Well if you don’t come here for your vacation because it costs too much it is probably means you pay for your vacation. And that you grew up to be  an independent woman and don’t live on your “sugar daddy” account.

We are all good. Ima and Aba finally decided how they want the house to be (after 12 years…) and gave permission to the architect to ask the authorities to allow them to built it. They also decided were they will take their vacation – Kazakhstan… Ima wants to go there for a long time, and Aba said we will look for “Borat” (the character from the movies) origins.

Guri is very busy in his service year, moving around thinking high about changing things were he goes. He is worried about what will happen between him and his girlfriend. It is said that here in Israel, long term relationships in that age  has two big “tests” – when you draft (from “living with a girlfriend during the all time” to “meeting  her only twice a month”) and when you undraft (the other way around). We will see how strong is their relationship.

Fatma has finished all her courses for the summer. She getting ready for the new year – school and scouts. She will guide 4th grade girls. We laugh she got the youngest grade because any other way the girls that she will guide would will be taller then her…

Yoni got a gene for Tay-Sachs– a sickness – and now they check if Dior also got it. If they both got it – they will have a problem having children: there will be a high chance their children will be sick.

I guess I have problems in writing but it is because my English teacher didn’t came that summer, nor she answers my mails (but then again maybe it is because I don’t send them…). I miss her.

A survey was published a week ago about the quality of schools around here. They didn’t check out how good are the pupils in Math, Reading and writing. Nor did they grade schools by how many of the pupils learning in university or had any significant achievements. No they did it a different way – they check out what is the percentage of the pupils ending up in as fighters in Army. The School Guri, Nathan and I have learned in had very good score… Yoni and Fatma also learned there but Yoni wasn’t a fighter (she’s a girl and we don’t expecting them to do so). Fatma also learned in the same school (yes, she got all the teachers telling her “But your elder sister/brother was so ______ and you are so____ – How come?”). We laugh about her that when she will draft she won’t go to be a pilot (what considered to be the best thing you can do in the army) – because what she real care about will be if the uniform won’t fit the shoes.

Take care