Sabotage Isolierband – 233th day of war

In Israel we call duct tape – sabotage Isolierband. The origin of the word Isolierband we use to describe many kinds of tape (electric tape and duct tape) is easy to track. Like so many technical words in Hebrew it comes from German Language.

The use of the word sabotage was supposed to be clear as well – you use it for sabotage: Engineering Corps sokdiers are using it when they demolishing houses in explosion for example, or when they disposal enemy ammunition and weapons.

But when you look on the work of the soldiers of this corps, it seems they are not really using it for their explosives systems. They just use simple electric tape to hold the explosives strings in place, or to hold the explosives in place or whem setting explosives on enemy ammunition.

Now each time I look on a duct tape roller with the written Sabotage Isolierband on it, I smile a small smile to myself – how those duct tapes are sold as sabotage while they are probably used by Engineering Corps soldiers to hold  foam on the handels of a field stretcher to soften it when you carry it on your shoulder

Take Care


A roll of duct tape or as we call it –  sabotage Isolierband. Professional sabotage tape; easy and comfortable to cut; very strong; multi functional

An engineering corps work with Hanamex, look on the tape used to tie the red explosives strings together in the lower right hand corner

Engineering corps soldier with an electric tape on his vest - Sabotage IsolierbandEngineering corps soldier with an electric tape on his vest – Sabotage Isolierband

Engineering Corps soldiers preparing the explosives strings for operation using electric tape - sabotage Isolierband Engineering Corps soldiers preparing the explosives strings for their next operation using electric tape (not sabotage Isolierband)

Sabotage Isolierband used to hold foam on the handels of a field stretcher to soften it when you carry it on your shoulder Sabotage Isolierband used to hold foam on the handels of a field stretcher to soften it when you carry it on your shoulder