Emergency box 📦 – 156th day of war

I have finally made an emergency box for our house. I have been partially following Home Front Command guidelines regarding essential equipment for emergencies.

We had a shelf in the kitchen with the first kit aid, the head flashlights I got from one of my reserve duty trainings, and the radio I bought when I was about 12 years old.

Now I have an emergency box, which is basically an IDF ammunition box, that holds most of the essentials demands by Home Front Command guidelines. I really like those kind of boxes as they pretty light, durable, waterproof, easy to carry, and be closed easily (this is why in the army we keep them when they are empty for other uses)

I will still need to arrange some food cans for the emergency. That will probably come from the opened field ration leftovers we have in the post.

The apartment we are living in does not have a protected are (MMD), so we storage the box and supplies in the place nearest to the place we hide during the alerts and sirens (which is the building staircase). Once we will move to our new house (that I hope to see happen before the situation in the north will be a full war situation), we will have room that we will use as shelter and can storage the box in it.

Take Care

The box and the water bottles (which basically used for Dub baby food)The box and the water bottles (which basically used for Dub baby food, but in case of emergency will also used for drinking)

The box and the water bottles (which basically used for Dub baby food)The ammunition box I am using, used to store 990 5.56 bullets (the regular ammunition for most of IDF assault rifles)

The box and the water bottles (which basically used for Dub baby food)The box contents: fist aid kit, radio and flashlight operated manually, head flashlights, battery operated radio, and field bandage.

Essential equipment for emergencies (Source: oref.org.il)Essential equipment for emergencies (Source: oref.org.il): water and food, radio on batteries, flashlights on batteries, portable charges, first aid kit.