January 01st 2013 – Haifa, Israel – A funereal and a birth

envelope - start

Haifa, Israel
You know how they say that one thing ends another start?

I had it yesterday, and somehow it was when one year ends and the second about to start.

I opened my gmail around 10:00 to find out that my friend had died…
His name was Hanan Levy. I don’t know what you find out if you google that name in English. In Hebrew you find out that one word keep jumping from the results – Wind Turbine: Green Energy cooprative that he was very active in or his blog

That’s how I met him. Volunteering in EWB, I came across him. He was really into wind turbine, and I wanted to start do things in Israel not only in Nepal. Funny it was, that when I first been called to reserve I met him there, we been at the same platoon =).

He got Leukemia couple of months ago. He kept telling us, he isn’t sick and not to treat him like that. A strong man.

The Funeral was set to 3 at the afternoon.

When I think how to get there, I got an SMS from Aba: “Born a healthy son, Ima says he has thin lips” =D

From my deep depression I became so happy – I am a cousin!

You have seem us all with our thick lips – The joke goes that when Ima told Aba that my brother is born with thin lips he said:”Send him back to the hospital, it isn’t ours…” =D. BTW my brother has big fat lips as you know 🙂

Well that’s how the world works….

Take Care

 Hanan Levy zl 1979-2013Hanan Levy zl 1979-2013

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