Operation Shield and Arrow – Day 2

It seems like the 2nd day of Operation Shield and Arrow will be as the first day – no rockets whatsoever. But at 11:00 it started and did not stop at least till now, when Gaza surroundings got most of the rockets and mortar shells.

I was just back from a field walk I had on the new building that built on the factory I am working in. The protected areas (PA) are already cast on the part we were walking in, so we knew we would have the time to run into one if a Tzeva Adom siren would be heard.

But it did heard, not until we came into the office building and sat at our desk. Then we had to run to the PA. A couple of minutes before, I later got to know, Atzava, and the kids had to run to the PA as well, as rockets were launched at Tel Aviv*.

When we were talking about if she should pull the kids out of the kindergarten (where they have a PA), take them to afternoon activity in the university (where they will have no PA as well) or take them home (we have no PA) – we realized we have a wedding tonight. Or do we have a wedding tonight?

There were no sirens at Tel Aviv, and we were not announced otherwise – so we assumed the wedding would take place as planned Atzva brother came to babysitter the kids, as we agreed before. As we explained to them where they should run when a siren is heard, a siren was heard, and we all run to the staircase to meet the neighbors.

The wedding did take place as scheduled – no more sirens were heard in Tel-Aviv, and almost no rockets were launched from this siren and on during the night at the second day of Operation Shield and Arrow.

Take Care

At the staircase room with the neighbors. The neighbor from the apartment next door had her new born baby Brit Milah ceremony in the noon, when the siren - Operation Shield and Arrow - Day 2

At the staircase room with the neighbors. The neighbor from the apartment next door had her new born baby Brit Milah ceremony in the noon, when the siren was heard.

Enjoying the wedding. I do not want how was their day when the rockets started falling, and when an hour before the wedding a siren was heard here.