I was lying in my bed in a hot Friday afternoon, relaxing from the week mess and stress. Atzva and Jannaeus are lying next to me, while Xuxa and Arieh lying on what left from the bed…. = P. I send my hand to the grab the cellphone to check the time and on the way look if there are new whats-app massages. Of course there are massages from the civil engineers group, it is not common not to see a massages from them each hour.
First I read on a crane that collapse into a hole… In Haifa… Hadar neighborhood… and then there are some pictures – it takes me a second what I am looking at: it is the site I working on!
Those b****es didn’t think it is something I should know! Apparently nobody got hurt. But do the others know? The managing team? the project manager? my main engineer? I send them all the pic, most of them answer in a couple of minutes – none of them knew on it. Makes you think how things work around here, if I havn’t got the pics, we all would have seen in the TV like everybody else =/ while it is our responsibility to prevent and handle it. The project manager got it and turn around to take care of things (he wasn’t there in the time of the accident).

The crane collapse from one point of view

The crane from another point of view

And if you still not sure it is a crane….

“This is happiness”
A video from the site