Half A marathon in Tel Aviv – 1:39:36

Well it wasn’t my best half a Marathon run by time but a felt like really giving it all on his run. I literally felt the blood goes up to my head in some points, and I should take it slower.

I don’t like those public running events. The main reason I joined was because of my brother Nathan that planned on run a Marathon. I asked if he would like help in the end, and he said “Yes”. So instead of running my 20km on Friday on my own, I run it with a couple of thousand people. The starting and end point were only a kilometer away, another good reason for running it

I usually run easy and slow in Friday morning, with a bag on the back – and takes me some 2:30 hours. I planned on taking it easy and run with Nathan 5km more. But as you see – it ended with me running pretty fast =). The main reason was a small girl that I realize that I run pretty much in the same face. So we push each other and I ended up with pain in my legs, left shoulder and right elbow =)

Public running event

Nice girls always makes me run faster

    I don't believe they made such a mistake - a marathon run is 42.2km half a MarathonI don’t believe they made such a mistake – a marathon run is 42.2km, and they mistype the number (24.2) and hang it all over town!
I the matter of fact – it is the date

That is how I pass other runners: On the sidewalk or on the traffic island. But the girl that run along with me run from side to side to pass runners, as we call it “burn grass”.

  A nice way to pass the run. half a MarathonA nice way to pass the run.

Not only they took over the city, they also cross in red light! half a MarathonNot only they took over the city, they also cross in red light!

That is a way to run a marathon! half a MarathonThat is a way to run a marathon!

Some marathon runners I know

Pacific Blue in Tel aviv

   A cheer-up stage with the city small kids half a Marathon

A cheer-up stage with the city small kids

Marathon finishers!!

Another reason why I hate those public running events - all the garbage that left behind. half a MarathonAnother reason why I hate those public running events – all the garbage that left behind.

My finish time  half a MarathonMy finish half a Marathon time