Protesting against judicial reform and getting arrested

The day of rage in the day after the Law that cancel the Reasonability had passed on first call, started  early in the morning, lasted all day with protestors against the judicial reform and ended late at night when I got arrested.

During the whole day, protests had been blocking roads around the country: Ayalon Highway, Ben Gurion Airport, the road to Jerusalem, to Haifa and more. During the day around 80 protestors had been arrested.

The police reactions to the protests become more and more violent – using the Makhtazit in a dangerous way, using a device called the Scream (a sound cannon), and hitting protestors.

This will last till the end of July, when the Knesset summer term will end, to prevent it from passing the judicial reform laws, which we call July of resistance.

Take Care

Protests closing road 1 to Jerusalem near Hemed interchange early in the morning.

Setting a Red LineSetting a Red Line

Kaplan Street in the morning - arrestedKaplan Street in the morning

Kaplan Street at noon

NOAL members posting a sign against the reform in Kaplan - arrestedNOAL members posting a sign against the reform in Kaplan

Ayalon Highway to the North at noon - arrestedAyalon Highway to the North at noon

Signs about the Reasonability Law meaning in Kaplan. The government set a new law: ministers can hold their position from jail. Looks reasonable for you?! Ben Gvir appointed Hanamel Dorfman to Commissioner of Israel Police. Seems reasonable to you?! Protests will be allowed only on Monday and Wednesday. Seems reasonable to you?! The police will not escort Tel Aviv Pride. Seems reasonable to you?!Signs about the Reasonability Law meaning in Kaplan. The government set a new law: ministers can hold their position from jail. Looks reasonable for you?!
Ben Gvir appointed
Hanamel Dorfman to Commissioner of Israel Police. Seems reasonable to you?!
Protests will be allowed only on Monday and Wednesday. Seems reasonable to you?!
The police will not escort Tel Aviv Pride. Seems reasonable to you?!

Protesting in Kaplan Street in the evening

Prisoner transport vehicle in Kaplan Street, I did not end in it. - arrestedPrisoner transport vehicle in Kaplan Street, I did not end in it.

Protests going down to block Ayalon Highway

Ayalon Highway banks are packed with protestors looking for a gap in the police line to get down to the road. - arrestedAyalon Highway banks are packed with protestors looking for a gap in the police line to get down to the road.

Blocked Ayalon Highway to the North - arrestedBlocked Ayalon Highway to the North

Bibi the Destroyed of Israel- graffiti on Yehudit bridge - arrested Bibi the Destroyed of Israel- graffiti on Yehudit bridge

While the policeman ran down the road, I used the gap to get down to the road but get arrested.While the policeman ran down the road, I used the gap to get down to the road but get arrested.