Ruling colors

There a colors that rules your life, and mine have changes.

When I was younger the colors were white and red.
Those were the colors of my neighborhood scouts branch (“Tribe”). We used to sing:
“White are the clouds in the sky,
Red is the color of our heart.
White and red are the colors of our tribe….”

Making a flag for the scouts – white and red

What else was red and white? Hapoel Jerusalem football team. In the days that Beitar Jerusalem was the main football club in Israel, to be a fan of Hapoel in Jerusalem itself was to be an revel, to run with the underdogs. So was to be a fan of  Hapoel Jerusalem Basketball team, while Maccabi Tel-Aviv basketball club ruled the group.

I was supposed, or thought I supposed to draft to the paratroopers. Which their flag is… you guess it – Red and white. =) I passed the training day, and waited for the draft.

The paratroopers Brigade flag - colors

The paratroopers Brigade flag

But I was drafted for engineering corps. Their colors are black and orange, And it seems that those were my new colors. I had left the scouts, like most do, when I drafted and both of Hapoel Jerusalem teams were no longer attractive: The basketball team was bought by a millionaire Ori Allon, which brought money and made the team like Maccabi Tel aviv. Since I don’t really interested in basketball, and we lost the unique spirit I slowly put her aside. The football slowly sank to the third league, and some of the fans set up a new team  – Hapoel Katamon Jerusalem.  (that owned by the fans).

Engineering corps flag colorsEngineering corps flag

After my “after the army trip” I started learning in the Civil and  Environmental faculty in the Technion, in order to become a structure engineer.  The colors of the faculty are black and orange. Seems like my transformation completed as I wear those colors in the graduate ceremony.

Civil and Environmental Faculty  graduates colorsCivil and Environmental Faculty  graduates

Take Care