
I had Herpes since I remember myself – a small wound that shows up on my upper lip once in a while. He usually comes after a sickness or when I am in stress (mentally or physically).

I got it from Aba, as he was once reckless when this disease erupted. We shared a dish or so and I got it. It might be my sister or brothers also got it, and it might be they does not suffer from its eruptions.

I was weak after a month or so of Mono disease, and my throat started to swell. I was with the kids in my parents house, while Atzva was packing our house as we were getting ready to move to our new home.

I did not want to go to the hospital, but as I found it hard to breath and went to lie down in front of the freezer to breath cold air, to make it easier to breath. Ima, woke up in 3:00 AM, as she usually does and found this way. She asked me if she need to takes to me the hospital and I said no.

So she woke Aba, who look at me and said “Get up, we are going to the hospital”. We spent the time there till 7:00 PM when I saw a doctor. I was pretty sure he will subscribe me some antibiotics as this was just Pharyngitis, and it was just a waste of time to wait for so long lying down on the hospital corridor benches.

He pushed a camera to my nose and down my throat and when he was done he looked at me and asked “Is those remains of Herpes wound on your lip?”. I nodded for yes (the all conversation was through my cellphone as I could not talk). “And did you take of it only externally?”, again I nodded for yes.

I spent the rest of day getting liquids, steroids and pain revilers through the vein. When I was released I asked what was it that I got. “The doctor wrote down Herpes” said the nurse as she handed my the release papers.

This is how I learned, the hard way, Herpes, can be much more than some fever and a wound – and can be a real disease that takes you down.

Take Care

This is how Ima found me on 3:00 AM in the morning. - HerpesThis is how Ima found me on 3:00 AM in the morning.

Aba keep an eye on me while we were waiting for a doctor to see me until 7:00 in the morning - HerpesAba keep an eye on me while we were waiting for a doctor to see me until 7:00 in the morning