January 25th 2015 – Haifa, Israel – Muezzin

Haifa, Israel
My office moved away from the Technion, were it had been till now.
It takes me longer time to get here (I have to take 2 buses =/ ), but the place is awesome!
It is an old residential Arab house that was renovated to become an office.
I will explain you in a different letter more about the neighborhood and its history, but what really makes me feel home is the Muezzin, the calling of the Muslim for a prayer.

Everybody cursing when it start calling for people in those loud speakers, but I just smile =)

I was born and raised in Jerusalem city, where it is completely normal to hear the Muezzin in 5 PM or 6 AM from the other side of the valley, from the near Arab village.

It is even more that, It reminds me the time I spent in the Scout Youth movement, the time I took our dog Swift for a walk, all the mornings I had to wake early in the morning, or the times I came back very late…. It reminds me Home =)

Take Care

The Muezzin calls for the Muslim to pray.

01252015-01  The view from my new balcony =) - MuezzinThe view from my new balcony =)

01252015-05 The old building, new location - MuezzinThe old building, new location

01252015-21 My room =) - Muezzin01252015-11 My room =) - MuezzinMy room =)
The tiles are new, but look at the height of the ceiling. Old Arab houses were built with high ceilings.

01252015-20 The Boss office - Muezzin01252015-19 The Boss office - MuezzinThe Boss office

01252015-23 The students room01252015-13 The students roomThe students room

01252015-15 The lobby01252015-18 The lobbyThe lobby

01252015-17 The drafters room. Here the original wood window covers were left.01252015-16 The drafters room. Here the original wood window covers were left.The drafters room. Here the original wood window covers were left.

01252015-22 The Managers room01252015-12 The Managers roomThe Managers room

01252015-24 The original tiles of the balconies - MuezzinThe original tiles of the balconies

01252015-04 A renovated balcony with new tiles. - MuezzinA renovated balcony with new tiles.

Haifa, Israel

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Haifa, Israel 32.816667, 34.983333