Houthi Missile – 345th day of war

We were supposed to woken by the sirens the Houthi missile had activated in the center of Israel on 6:30 in the morning. But we were just on the edge of the area the sirens were heard.

The missile itself, or the parts of the interception missilies, fell near Modi’in, on the side on road 1 (Jerusalem – Tel-Aviv Highway). We had couple of minutes of fear as Aba was supposed to be on its way to keep an eye on Dub along this road.

He then texted us he show, and heard, the interception waiting for the bus on Har Adar. It made all the neighborhood dogs to bark.

Apart from it the missile did not effect our schedule. It made Aba late a bit, since all the drivers on road 1 slow down near the point the missile, or its part hit.

The Houthi in Yemen had open a frontier in this war, which was mainly focused in Eilat and South of Israel. But about a month ago, a Houthi drone managed to penetrate Israel Defense systems and to explode in the middle of Tel-Aviv.

The attack lead to outstretched arm operation in which Israel, allegedly, attack Yemen port of Hudaydah.

Some claim this morning the reason the Arrow, David sling and Iron dome did not managed to intercept the Houthi missile was because the missile was a ultrasonic missile, and not just a simple ballistic missile.

Take Care

The locations where the sirens were heard in 6:30 on the morning. We are just over the most North - Western mark (Source: Uncensored Security News from the Fiedl Telegram channel)The locations where the sirens were heard in 6:30 on the morning. We are just over the most North – Western mark so we were saved from the siren wake up call (Source: Uncensored Security News from the Fiedl Telegram channel)

The smoke raising from the location of the hit, near road 1 (Jerusalem - Tel-Aviv Highway)The smoke raising from the location of the hit, near road 1 (Jerusalem – Tel-Aviv Highway)

The carter the Houthi missile created (Source: Abualiexpress Telegram channel)The carter the Houthi missile created near Modi’in (Source: Abualiexpress Telegram channel)