13th week of protests against the judicial reform

It is the 13th week of protests against the judicial reform around Israel.

After the Night of protests and temporarily stopping in passing the laws of the judicial reform, there is still a lot to protest against.

I do not talk about things such as public transportation in the Sabbath, civil marriage, lowering the cost of life here or other basic rights the citizens of Israel deserve (we had a government that took steps in those directions, but we were not smart enough to keep it).

I am talking about the fact that those laws can be set by the Knesset in a day or so, and nothing really prevents it. Apart from the fact that we, the protestors, can we quickly go out again all around Israel and close it just as we had this week.

There is also the cost of the stop: a private armed militon for the radical politician of Itamar Ben Gvir. The man who is part of the Jewish terror movement Kach, The man who praised Baruch Goldstein, the terrorist who killed 29 Muslims and injured 125 while they were praying in the cave of the Patriarchy. Who was not drafted to IDF as had criminal record (which included threatening the life of Yitzhak Rabin, who later assistanced). Just imagine how dangerous this racist militon can be…

The reaction to the stop by the right wing at the moment is minimal – on Thursday, there was a protest in Kaplan, and some protestors stopped the traffic in Ayalon Highway. Although they kept advertising, there was no violence, and about 50K protested – videos, and pics on social media says different.

Take Care

You F***ed up with the wrong generation

We shall overcome

Itamar (Ben Gvir) mother! Please come and take him

A tank as part of 73 (Yum Kippur war) warriors protests

Copies of the Israeli Declaration of Independence, which all are welcome to sign in. The declaration states that “the State of Israel would be based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel; it will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespectiv of religion, race or sex”

Azrieli junction

Crime Minister protestors

Bibi Netanyahu as Louis XIV