27th week of protests against the judicial reform – July of resistance

It is the 27th week of the protests against the judicial reform, which marks the beginning of July of resistance.

The slogan “Resist” with a punch held up spreads around the bus stations and on advertisement signs around the city. Calling the citizens to fight against the judicial reform during the last month of the summer term of the 37th government (hoping that until it come back in 15 of October this year, something will change)

On Monday, the government is planning on passing the Reasonability law on first out of 3 votes. That will drop many of the judicial base for many decisions that were taken by Bagatz (Israel supreme court) – and this exactly what the judicial reform is about: taking the force out of the last authorities that stand against the government (the Knesset for a long time does not play a rule in balancing the government).

That will probably lead to a day of rage on Tuesday, one that never had been before: protesting closing roads around the country, protesting in front of the Knesset and protesting in Ben Gurion Airport.

The protestors are organizing themselves now under Kaplan force, gathering under one name all the groups. If you had known the history of the street, you would have understood how ironic it is

Take Care

The main protest in Kaplan from the bridge.

Ayalon highway closedAyalon highway closed

Resist - July of resistanceResist – July of resistance

Resist - July of resistanceResist – July of resistance

Resist - July of resistanceResist – July of resistance

Resist - July of resistanceThe solgan all over the place – bus stations, road signs etc…