Kibbutz Be’eri – 238th day of war

Kibbutz Be’eri was one of settlements around Gaza strip who suffered most from October 7th attack by Hamas terror organization.

Out of about 1,071 members, over 130 were killed in the massacre commited by Hamas terrorists (over 10% of the Kibbutz population).

Even today, you can walk around the Kibbutz, or look on it from outside (as we do on the convoies when we enter Gaza strip) and watch the Kibbutz houses and the destruction and damage caused on the Black Sabbath.

We had a visit from one of the massacre survivors ,Yasmin Porat, when we were training in Tze’elim. She did not lived in the Kibbutz, but run into it.

She was in the Nova music festival, and run away from it. She had family and friends in the Kibbutz (as she raised in a Kibbutz in Northern Israel) and she and her boyfriend decided to find a shelter in it.

Yasmin was hiding in the protected area with two elder Kibbutz members, until the terrorists managed to penetrate it and took them hostages along with others in building around it. She and the elder lady were the only to get out alive from this house, while about eleven other hostages and the terrorists were killed.

Some of the Kibbutz members were taken as hostages to Gaza strip (about 30 in number), or held hostages inside the Kibbutz. While many other Kibbutz members and visitors were shot dead or burnt to death (about a hundred in total).

108 Hamas terrorists were shot dead as they committed the massacre. They were accompanied by a Palestinian journalist that streamed the massacre through different social media.

One of said, couple of days after October 7th, as a black homur joke he want the area we were leaving to be as empty as Be’eri.

Take Care

The road leading to Kibbutz Be'eriThe road leading to Kibbutz Be’eri

Ruined and burnt houses inside the Kibbutz Ruined and burnt houses inside the Kibbutz

More of the destruction inside the Kibbutz - Be'eriMore of the destruction inside the Kibbutz

The houses of the Kibbutz along the North fence - Be'eri The houses of the Kibbutz along the north fence

The buildings of Kibbutz Be'eri in it original location in Nahabir The buildings of Kibbutz Be’eri in it original location in Nahabir

Kibbutz Be'eri, Israel

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Kibbutz Be\'eri, Israel 31.423932, 34.491777