Back to life, back to reality – 171 day of war

One of my brothers in arms just described how he is back to life, back to reality, to work. He described it as an hallucination. The distance between what going on along Israel – Lebanon border and Inside Gaza strip is so big, I am not sure one can explain it.

I did not have it. At least this is what I thought in first couple of days – I dive into the life: work and kids are enough to fill in your time so you will not have time to think. This is why he had the time to deal with it.

Another friend wrote how all people can think about is how much food they can load on their plate (he is food business). He has kids and work, and still had time to deal with it. And still I did not have it.

The other one wrote how fast things are going outside the army and in work. I guess I did not have it because I was working part time while we have been drafted, and the project we are in the factory, is just about to end and thing are slowing down.

I guess I just do not have it. There are other reasons why I did not anything last week (even candies I love so much) and this week I eat too much. I guess there is something when I mad (too much) on Jannaeus and Mindal for not sticking to times (and if they will stay one more minute in bed?). Or why Atzva is looking at me asking Are you OK?

Am I OK?

Take Care

The scene from Waltz with Bashir of Ari Folman coming back from the war in Lebanon to Haifa, figuring out that while he and his brother in arms are in a war in Lebanon, the life at home are as usuel  (Source: Youtube.com) The scene from Waltz with Bashir of Ari Folman coming back from the war in Lebanon to Haifa, figuring out that while he and his brother in arms are in a war in Lebanon, the life at home are as usuel  (Source: Youtube.com)

Back to life (However do you want me) – Soul II Soule. It jumped into my head when I start writing the post title.