Sergeant Eran Ariel ZL

The older I grow I somehow I realize I know more and more fallen soldiers and others that their name need to be remembered, now it is Sergeant Eran Ariel ZL. And it is not because the older I get the more people I know and how they know others. It just somehow the come up my memory and I feel I should read about those people.

Like I found the the father of the kid that asked about why independence day comes after memorial day when we were kids. I never thought about asking him about his aba (we were not good friends), but even so I never thought about his father as a person but more of the kid, as a friend his father is dead.

Now another one had crossed my mind. When we were on 8th grade an older brother of one of my classmates had died during an activity in Lebanon, when IDF was still holding part of it. He had died when is Nakpadon APC he was driving was falling over a cliff.

The friend was living near me but we were not good friends. He just moved from the other side of the neighborhood to a new private house.  I do remember I stayed there all day long. Till the point he said “Look at Gad, first time at my house and does not want to leave”. The truth is I did not know when should I leave a Shiva.

He was in the scouts. When I was on 5th grade he was on 10th. Meaning he could have been my guide. But I do not remember him from that time.

Take Care

Sergeant Eran Ariel ZL

Sergeant Eran Ariel ZL

A Nakpadon model (Source: - Eran Ariel

A Nakpadon model (Source:

Another APC based on Centrion tank called Nagmacgon (Source:
Another APC based on Centrion tank called Nagmacgon (Source:

Eran Ariel

I bumped into one of those driving on road 6. It seems IDF still use them. I used on of those in Gaza strip before the disengagment on 2005, and they were new there, after the Nagmash were blown up easily.

Another one moving North on road 6Another one moving North on road 6

Memorial signs on the way to work