The Protest march to Jerusalem – 29th week of protests

Kaplan (or Democracy square) was packed as in every Saturday evening, but the main event is the Protest march to Jerusalem during the week. It is the 29th week of protests against the judicial reform, and around 550,000 people protested today in Jerusalem.

3 days ago, the leaders of the protest started marching towards Jerusalem in order to settle there during Sunday and Monday on the days the Knesset is about to vote on the Reasonability Law.

From a couple of hundred protestors marching, the march became a wave of people as it progressed towards Jerusalem. Day after day, the number of the protestors marching had been raising up to tens of thousands.

Last Sabbath, our PM, Bibi, was hospitalized due to dehydration. Or at least what that is what the ministry claimed. They could not explain why he is in the cardiologist sector. Only later we will learn he had to get an artificial cardiac pacemaker.

Not only are we being lied to about the reason, but none had thought we should know about the medical condition of our PM at first place or that he went on a surgical procedure (which means we have a temporary PM, Yariv Levin, appointed for the surgery only. As Bibi has no permanent replacement PM. Why? Ask him…)

Take Care

The protest march on road 1 on it way to Jerusalem on Friday morning

Saturday night on the way to Kaplan, the sign above says Stop the Destruction of IDF - as many reserve duty volunteers has declared they will serve if the Reasonabiltiy Law will pass (including many pilots and elite unis soldiers) - protest marchSaturday night on the way to Kaplan, the sign above says Stop the Destruction of IDF – as many reserve duty volunteers has declared they will serve if the Reasonabiltiy Law will pass (including many pilots and elite unis soldiers)

Saturday night protest in Tel Aviv- looking north from Azrieli bridgeSaturday night protest in Tel Aviv- looking north from Azrieli bridge

Saturday night protest - looking south from Azrieli bridge on the Democracy squareSaturday night protest in Tel-Aviv – looking south from Azrieli bridge on the Democracy square