The change government

It might be a little early to declare, but we might have a new Prime Minister here in Israel, for that the new government that will set is called the Change Government – to change the prime minister.

After 4 rounds of elections (here, here, here and here) that ended without a clear victory, some politicians realized we don’t really another round of elections.

If it will raise, it will be the first time in 12 years someone else, other than Bibi Netanyahu, will sit in his chair.

I will be happy to see it happen. I think that in the past 12 years we could have change so much, but so little was really done. Part of it, is because of our Prime minister Bibi. When think about it, there are young people with right to vote, that since 1st grade knew only one prime minister.

But not only them. You can see how deep Bibi made people believe there is no other option than him: he is the right wing prime minister and still anyone that join the new government is a Left Traitor.

Even Bennett, Sa’ar and Lieberman (who all were part of Bibi Likud party) are set as Left traitors. As they are about sit with the Arab party of Mansour Abbas, the same party he was about to set a coalition with.

Looking on this Change Government from my left wing opinions, I even might say it a right wing party than Bibi had.

And still – that government will make a change. Even by someone else that will sit in the Prime Minister sit – will start moving Israel back to right track.

Take Care


Lapid, Bennet and Abbas signing - change governmentLapid, Bennet and Abbas signing

President Rivlin takes Lapid call in Bloomfield stadium, where he had watch the Israel State Cup - change governmentPresident Rivlin takes Lapid call in Bloomfield stadium, where he had watch the Israel State Cup