September 20th 2009 – Masada

envelope - Masadabooknegative - Masada

Hey Miss,
It was the Jewish new year – My parents guested the family. We had to use all the dishes, forks and knives we could find in our house. Except that there was enough food to feed an entire division. And of course – a lot of cakes and sweets (so we’ll have a sweet year). Before the holiday you greet everyone with a good year – most of us just write a collective SMS and send it to anyone we got his cellphone number. What really happens is that there is a SMS jam in the cellphone networks and a lot of people got there greetings already in the new year 🙂

Nathan took Nili to Masada. You probably been to there – they take all of the tourists there. It is a fortress on the top of the cliff in the middle of the desert. During the Jewish rebellion against the Romans, the lasts that were left run away over there and wait to the Romans, the Romans put siege on the fortress. When the walls of the fortress were broke down – the Jewish fighters (with their families) took a dramatic step – They have committed a collective suicide. Their other choice was to be sold out for slavery. This story is one of the myths of that country: “Better die standing, then live on your knees”.

Nathan and Nili got Masada at 3 o’clock at night start climbing a route called “The Snake path” – for it look for a snake when look at it from the sky. after climbing for 2 and a half hours they have reached the top for the sunrise. Because Masada is on the edge of the Syrian – African crack you got a wonderful view of the sunrise.

I took my brother of my brother in law to a trip to a little canyon called Yitle. They will soon rape out this little piece of nature to make place for a train for Jerusalem (we got train to get there, but it take a long time to ride it, and she’s not good). It is an hard question – Nature or a train that is more green?

Yesterday and today we had the first rain. we called it “The Shoter”. If you ask yourself who does he shot, I will tell you: I don’t really know. Maybe he shot the dry ground :-). No, it’s come from the root to teach – the first rain teaches us to get ready for the winter that starts. They said that it will be a rainy winter. Then again – They also say time heals…

I didn’t got dorms for that year and maybe I will have to rent myself a place.
Well I hope it is all good with you, sorry for unable to really ask you. I am sorry – still afraid 🙂

Take care.