Memorial day in Gaza – 220th day of war

This not the first memorial day I had to while standing in uniforms and serving in the IDF duty. The first time was during my mandatory IDF military duty. We were guarding the settlement of Morag, which was part of Gush Katif. It was an outpost, where only a commander and couple of soldiers were guarding.

On the evening of memorial day, we all climb to the watch tower, which was the guarding point, and stood still during the siren. We then had our own small ceremony, when each talked about a fallen soldier or a terror victim he knew.

Now, on my second time wearing IDF uniforms on memorial day, it is in military reserve duty. After more than 143 days of reserve duty since the Black Sabbath of October 7th.

We are in house in defense, which means we need to keep quiet as possible. The siren of memorial day was from a radio one brought and the volume was low as possible. As required in this kind of location we had to stay of the windows line of sight and keep the helmet and bulletproof vest on us.

The guards had to stay in place and keep watching out. We did not have the privilege to talk about the fallen soldier or a terror victim he know, as the sight had to be kept as quiet as possible.

It was a closer to me, as the first (until now the only) memorial day I was in the army was here in Gaza strip, and here I am again.

Take Care

A lookout tower that used to stand in the settlement of Morag. I remember the one that our position was in, was lower than this one. But It still be the one we were standing in (Source: - memorialA lookout tower that used to stand in the settlement of Morag. I remember the one that our position was in, was lower than this one. But It still be the one we were standing in (Source:

Standing still in memory of the fallen soldiers and terror attack victims, inside Gaza strip, while us and the forces around us, keep fighting against Hamas terrorists. memorialStanding still in memory of the fallen soldiers and terror attack victims, inside Gaza strip, while us and the forces around us, keep fighting against Hamas terrorists.