2020 Elections

Third time in a year, and 2020 elections not seems to interest many. After two rounds of elections people just wish to finish with. The poles show will have more or less the same results. It was Einstein who said that “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” So it isn’t exactly the same experiment, but we still got pretty much same results.

Those elections are on Monday, although we always have it on Tuesday. The reason for having it on Tuesday is so people will not take a long weekend and skip voting. This time, a General Remembrance day of IDF dead soldiers which their resting place is unknown. I do wonder if it will make any difference for voting percentage.

We spent the day buying new mattresses for Jannaeus and Mindal who moved to sleep together with her big brother. Many business offer discounts on that vacation day. We also had the celebration of entering a new Torah book on the the name of Atzva grandmother to the synagogue in Dolev.

Who won? I know the people of Israel lost another couple of billion of NIS, and another half a year without government…

It does seem that Bibi might be able to set a minority right wing – religious government. Even without Lieberman party. In this at least, there is a way of the political we been stuck in for a year. But this is according to first results of 22:00 at night.

Take Care

Kachul Lavan party elections propaganda on Tel-Aviv - elections 2020Kachul Lavan party elections propaganda on Tel-Aviv

Bibi Likud party propaganda on Kiryat Gat - elections 2020Bibi Likud party propaganda on Kiryat Gat

HaAvoda-Gesher-Meretz Party propaganda on my mailbox


Likud and Kachul-Lavan parties seats - elections 2020Likud (36) and Kachul-Lavan (33)  parties seats

Arab party - 15 seats - elections 2020Arab party – 15 seats

The rest of the parties - elections 2020The rest of the parties

Total deviation of the Knesset to right-wing and left-wing parties: Right-Religous - 60 seats, Left-Arabs-54, Lieberman-6 - elections 2020Total deviation of the Knesset to right-wing and left-wing parties: Right-Religous – 60 seats, Left-Arabs-54, Lieberman-6