September 23th 2015 – Yom Kippur tradition

envelope- Yom KippurSeptember 23th, 2015
Haifa, Israel
Yom Kippur just passed.

I fast, and I went to the near by synagogue.

I don’t know why I do it. I guess it is kind of a tradition.

For Atzva, as an ex-religious girl, it is very simple: All or nothing. You don’t just choose what part of the Judaism you take and what you don’t. And since she is no longer religious, it means none for her. As far as she cares we can spend this day what ever we want to do.

But even that’s not true. I mean, she will light candles in Hanukkah

Why? because it’s a tradition. Because she does it since she a small girl, Not because it will please God.

I guess you can say, that if you are not religious – all of the Mitzvah are no longer a rule from God, but it all becomes a tradition.

Take Care

Last year, when listening to Reshet B radio station before Yom Kippur, I hear a several times a version of Kol Nidre pray. It made me laugh and think that they didn’t noticed they repeating the same version of this song.
That year It happened again.
I went to look for that version, But could not found it anywhere.
It might be that, it is a unique version that was made for that radio station.

I bumped into the scene during my running - Yom KippurI bumped into the scene during my running. Usually when people stay at the night at the beach they are having a party and a mess. Somehow a chair and a table are strange. it fits for Yom Kippur as it unique, and also looks as someone set and thought over things.