October 30th 2008 – Negev desert



Hello Miss Brown,

It is so nice to see students of yours doing something you thought them, really makes you feel good and smile. A little satisfaction to see a work you put in something, was not for nothing. :-).

Yesterday Nathan has just finished his officer’s course. They had a big ceremony. We all went down to the south – 3 hours of driving and you almost at the end of that small little country. Guri was driving, he got his driving license lately but he still need an adult at his side – that what the law says. He is driving wonderful, but yesterday was a very hard day for driving: He had to drive for 6 hours, on wet roads, fast and almost without light – but he did the best way he could.

On the way to the ceremony we stopped at a panorama view, At Israel’s first prime minister – Ben Gurion   grave and house. He was big man, he went down to the Negev desert so people will follow him to live there – he said that if we will not fight and win the desert he will kill us (half of that country is a desert). So the picture are of the house and the view is from the grave. Ima saw some olives trees around there and send us all to pick them up from the tree, so we all looked like a Arabic family, Fatma had an Arabic accessory (Kafiya) so it was really a good picture.

It was cloudy and rainy the all day it is beautiful to see how that dry hot place become wet. The desert here called the Negev and it’s coming from the word “to wipe” because the desert soil sealed when it got wet, and all the water are flooding the desert. But while we were driving the hot dry car, Nathan had to stand and practice the ceremony, so he got so wet and I think he got cold 🙁 After we came back he went to see all his friends from the army – to most of them it was a “Release from the army” party. But for Nathan it was a “I just started 2 more years in the army”….. The picture is of Nathan and his commander that came to see him. You can see on Nathan shoulder his new rank we call it a closet.

The day before that Ima and Aba went to see Mercedes Sosa. Aba put her CD and listen to, when he clean the house on Fridays. They really enjoyed and they said everybody wipe a tear when she sang a song in Hebrew Libchot lecha (to cry for you).

Take care Miss Brown