Back to Egypt

I did write you once I don’t love to reread books or revisit places (I wrote it about Nepal. Which had revisit, and since then I did so many times for other places,but that for different time ). I do want to tell this time about going back the Egypt.

It is not me who is going back to Egypt but Aba, and Ima with him. Last time Aba was in Egypt was on Yum Kippur war, and as you can understand it was not for touring purposes. He had fought in the combat of the city of Suaez. Not something he talks about much.

Along with him the organized tour was The pilot Gideon Sheffer, which his plane crashed in the same war and set in captive for two weeks.

They are both visiting a country they have been fighting against as youth soldiers. It makes me feel optimistic as to how we’ll be skiing in Lebanon one day and visit Damascus markets.

In the end of it the Omicron variant of the Coronavirus messed it all around. 9 of 17 from the group got positive result in PCR test before the flight, Ima was one of them. She does not feel it and she is alright.

So Aba flew back home and got it as well, but he was positive only on the PCR test when landing in Israel. He does feel a bit bad, like having the flu, but he’s over it.

While Ima and the rest of the positive have stayed 5 more days (till today) in quarantine in the 19 floor of Hilton hotel in Cairo. Aba had to be quarantined alone in his home. I would have preferred the 2nd option.

Take Care

Massive buildings on Luxor temple - Back to Egypt
Massive buildings on Luxor temple

In Hatshepsut temple
In Hatshepsut temple

Cruise on the Nile. I did not take it, might be I was afraid of been murdered or was it just because it is for old people (as Ima and Aba proved) - Back to Egypt
Cruise on the Nile. I did not take it, might be I was afraid of been murdered or was it just because it is for old people (as Ima and Aba proved)

Sunset from the 19th floor hotel in Cairo
Sunset from the 19th floor hotel in Cairo