Russo-Ukrainian War

I have some things to say about Russo-Ukrainian War. Looking on other wars makes you understand somethings on your own wars.

First, there are wars with less public relations. Somehow they are less, how should I say it?, “popular” in the western Media. The Russo-Ukrainian War takes headlines all over the news, while the war in Yemeni civil war (that last from 2014) only get headlines when the Saudi Aramco oil production plantes are been bombed). I can understand how “Russia invades Europe” sounds like WWIII (first war to be considered World war was over Crimea), and how it catches headlines on the West, but points it out. The protests against the War is global wide and wish all wars would be opposed so strong.

Second, it seems our war is in a different scale, the casualties amount is a different magnitude. In Operation guardian of the walls, there were around 300 deaths in total (286 in Palestinian side and 13 on Our side and not talk about the injuries). But when looking on the last wae The 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war ended up with around 7,700 deaths (3,453 on the Azerbajian and 4,281 on Armenia side, and again not to talk about the injuries). While in the Yemen civil war the count goes up to 377,000 from 2014…

Another issue is how life keeps on going, even during war. Of course giving births will not stop and the cows must be fed. But people goes out, driving their cars along the Russian tanks to work, to buy things or do what they wish. Maybe it is because I am thinking on Gaza strip fights (like we had on Operation protective edge) which is very crowded low urban environment and the fight was mainly house to house and people could not just drive or walk the streets. I cannot think of people driving along IDF tank column when it have entered Lebanon on 2nd Lebanon war.
But just like in the rest of Israel, during those fights with Lebanon or Gaza strips, areas that been bombed try to keep living normal as much they can – so I guess the Ukrainian people try to keep living.

Bottom line – nobody really gives a f**k about other people wars. War is a businesses that someone profit from. Look on how Syrian merchandisers fought along with Israel supplying weapon and ammunition on Ajerbigian side, while we (Israel and Syria) keep fighting here, in the Middle East, one against another.

Take Care

Russo-Ukrainian War - Putin as a the main soviet charachter in Command and Conquer Red Alert - a strategic game feature the Allies war against the Soviet.

Putin as a the main soviet character in Command and Conquer Red Alert – a strategic game feature the Allies war against the Soviet.

Airstrikes in the last 48 hours
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