20th week of protests – ransack

It is the 20th week in a row of protests against the judicial reform. While the politicians from left and right negotiated in the president house, the government had decided to ransack the budget.

There is always money that moves from one priority to another according to the ideology of the government that rules. But the budget frame is very rigid, and most of it can not be changed from one year to another unless you set a long term changes. But apart from it, there is money which spent outside of the budget as coalition money. This is about 2 billion NIS out of about 600 billion NIS. But this time, we are talking about 12 billion NIS! (Six times the regular number)

This money will go to the Ultra-Orthodox autonomy. This money will not come back to the economy as this money will not be invested in education. Or better say it will only be invested in religious education.

And as if we did not have enough trust in why we need to protest against the judicial reform, we just have to listen to a dialog between one of the Ultra-Orthodox leaders in the Knesset to the Minster of finance. The first demand to know where his money (not the public for his voters or the money of the people, his money…). And the later answered, as if it is not his job to keep to money distributed well and not just spent, that he want to give to him – but the judicial reform had not yet passed…

Last week, I did not participate in the protests as Operation Shield and Arrow had not yet ended. It did cross my mind as well as many of the protestors’ minds that the operation is a way to kill the protests. But I could not let Atzva in her eight months to raise two kids in case a siren would be heard.

I did fulfill the gap by protesting in Bene Bark on Wednesday against the ransack and the uneven budget.

Take Care

Ransack government advertisement Ransack government advertisement

Kaplan protest at Kaplan streetKaplan protest at Kaplan street

Protesting on Bene Barak on Wednesday- ransack Protesting on Bene Barak on Wednesday

Israel flag at Bene BarakIsrael flag lat Bene Barak