Operation Shield and Arrow – day 4 – Gust of Wind

Gust of wind was one of the preparations done while waiting for the rockets to be launched from the Gaza strip on the first day of Operation Shield and Arrow.

The idea is to evacuate the citizens living on Gaza strip surrounding so as not to be hit by mortar shells or rockets as happened in earlier operations. Keep in mind that those citizens have only 15 seconds to get to a protective area once a Tzeva Adom siren is heard. Meaning the operation completely paralyzing the life of Gaza surroundings.

Gust of wind, meaning reducing the amount of injured or killed citizens in Gaza surroundings, combined with the air defense Iron dome system provides for the further away settlements gives the government time to continue and hit terror militants and get to a cease fire (unless there are killed citizens who makes public opinion pressure to continue the operation, sometimes just to get the victory picture).

This operation has another layer of air defense system, which is being operated first-time – David’s Sling (Kela David). It is used for middle to large distance rockets and missiles.

As operation Shield and Arrow gets on its 4th day, it gets its schedule and borders pretty marked up. The nights are quiet, while in the day, a rocket or mortar shell is launched once an hour towards Gaza surroundings on a random settlement. Once a day, massive lunching is made or to a further away direction (today it was aimed at Jerusalem). In the early days of the operation, it was to Tel-Aviv, yesterday the rocket was launched toward Jerusalem.

Take Care

Might be David Sling interception of the rocket launched at Tel-Aviv at the 2nd day of operation Shield and Arrow- Gust of windMight be David Sling interception of the rocket launched at Tel-Aviv at the 2nd day of operation Shield and Arrow. Today the system also intercepted a rocket, which was launched towards Jerusalem.