Operation Shield and Arrow – Day 1

My alarm clock was set to 6:30, but I got a Whatsapp a minute before, from one of the workers – saying she was afraid to get to the factory. This is how I get to know of Operation Shield and Arrow.

The operation started as many others as IAF attacking in Gaza. The result was 3 dead Islamic Jihad leaders and another 10 civilians were killed from the bombing.

It does sound as if Israel started that around of violence, but keep in mind a week ago, rockets were fired at Isral without any response. That is when one of Islamic Jihad leaders starved itself to death in a prison in Israel.

The day went through without any rocket launched from Gaza Strip, but with another couple of strikes of IAF aircrafts. That is unusual for those operations. Usually, once Israel strikes, the rockets start to fly a couple of hours later. This time, the quiet is kept till the evening (at least), and no rocket were missiles were launched.

On the one hand , we prefer to live our life without rockets flying all over. On the second hand , we know it will come, and sooner it will start – the sooner it will end (probably with a cease-fire agreement). And while we all wait – Gaza surrondings are getting prepared: the roads areound Gaza strip are closed down, as well as railway tracks running close to the Gaza strip to prevent the chance of civilians riding those to get hit by a mortar shell (Iron Dome can intercept larger rockets, Israel doesn’t have a system for mortar shells and small rockets). Some of the citizens of Gaza surroundings are being evacuated as well to further away cities in Israel for the same reason. We all wait for the response from Gaza strip as Operation Shield and Arrow is on its way.

Take Care

Traffic jams on the roads of Gaza surroundings, as some of the roads were closed down ro reduce the chance of civilians hit by mortar shells.Operation Shield and Arrow.Traffic jams on the roads of Gaza surroundings, as some of the roads were closed down ro reduce the chance of civilians hit by mortar shells.