Palestinian Jesus – 84th day of war

Of all the ridiculous turn arounds of the history in this war and misinformation, this seems to be above all – the claim Jesus was Palestinian.

The prahse Palestine for the reigon between the Mediterranean sea and Jordan river only appeared on 135 AC. Those were the Romans, changed the name of the region from Judaea (named after the Kingdom of Judah, the kingdom of Jews).

The rename of the was done after Bar Kokhba revolt in order to erase the connection between the Jews living it to reigon (something done only here) The name Palestine came from the Philistines, who immigrated from Aegean to settle in the south of the region and mentioned in the Bible. They cease to exist as a people since 5 century BC.

They people who lived here around year 0 were Jews. Jesus was Jew. There were Palestinians at this time (they were invented as people with this name around 1917). Some claims he was muslim. Islam only started about 600 years later…

So how come people think the person who was crucifixed by Romans was Palestinian? Maybe because he was born in Bethlehem, which is now under the Palestinian Authority rule. Maybe he was under a foreign ruler – the Romans (which people compare to Israel conquer of the West Bank. Although the West Bank is under PA rule).

Eretz Nehedert * sketch explained it again wunderfully when one of the professor lectures the students in response to their misunderstanding of the situation: This will be our next lesson – how the Jews killed Juseus without even exists.

Take Care

The special Christmas sketch from Israeli satire shows Eetrz Nehederet (A Wonderful Country) – The gospel, according to Berkeley (Source:

They killed him again, merry Christmas (Source: Palestinian They killed him again, merry Christmas (Source:

PSA: just because someone says something on Tik Tok, doesn’t make it true. (Source: