Hi,Well Jannaeus talks! Well doesn’t really talks, but we can understand what he says. So as far as Atzva and I care, he is talking
He already his first word, as I wrote you. And also has the words for poop (Kaki) and pee (Pipi), but that is about it when talking about a full real word. While the rest of language is made of other kind of communication.
Right now he uses Protowords, which are symbolic vocalizations for something. They make sense once you know what he means and in what context he’ll use it. At least for Atzva and for me it makes sense. For example, he called his pacifier “Chechi”, which stands for the last syllables of the words pacifier in Hebrew – Mochech.
That also includes all the name of the animals. When I ask him how a dog does, or the cat he bark or yawn. But that is also the vocalize symbol he uses when he want to talk about the dog over the fence or the cat downstairs.
I kind easily understand what he talks about: given the situation, the time and the place. For example when come back from kindergarten Jannaeus ask for Naim, which the last syllable of the word bikes in Hebrew (Ofana’im). I am not sure that even I could have understand what he wants when we are eating dinner and he asks for Naim.
But he has so many of them! He basically repeat anything he tell him, I mean he repeats the last syllable of the word. And then he start using it. Maybe it has to do with the fact we issued him a Franch passport. In Israel we keep saying that the French don’t pronounce the last syllable of the word. For example: they say Pari, when talking about Paris. Maybe he is like an upside French talker that only say the last syllable of the word
Take Care