July 11th 2009 – Scouts summer camp




well I got a lot to tell so grab a pack popcorn, set yourself a chair and don’t take a restroom break.

Yoni and Dior are taking all the tests in the hospital. They are checking out their genes to see they are fit to make a baby. Yes they have finally decided they want one. They are planning to make him somewhere around September. That way nobody will blame Yoni to get pregnant just after she got her new job. They also thinking about maybe moving to Tel Aviv because of Yoni’s work. That a shame – they will miss Fatma as the best babysitter…

Fatma just came back from the summer camp, she is now arranging the Goodbye day for the 12th grade scouts (including Guri). Later on she’ll have  a guide course, and then she is going to learn how to help injured people in the Magen David Adom (“Red Star of David” like the Red Cross, but because we Jews we got a different symbol). Unlike the boys in the family – who can’t see blood, the girls handle with it pretty good (Yoni had that course when she was at that age)…

Guri and all of the adults Scouts came back from the summer camp a day earlier then they were supposed to. At that day we had a tradition – all the older scouts (12th grade – mainly boys) undress, color the themselves in white and red (“White is the color of the sky, and red is our heart” – that is their anthem), go around singing songs and make a lot of noise. Well they promised not to do so. But they did. “Those of you that did it – admit, or we will send all of you home” – They didn’t admit, so they send all of them home. The point was that is was the last day. In that day you just take apart what you have been building for seven days from wood and ropes. So they went home – just after it was over and didn’t had to take apart nothing (Other scouts had to do it) – Not a good punishment at all. That was after pretty much of them got the pigs flew and were sent home anyhow…

Ima is checking the high school graduation tests now – not of her students, like she did till now. It isn’t he usual job, so she’s getting paid more for. She hopes to maybe cover her overdraft, and fly aboard. She asked about you yesterday, if you are coming. Fatma told her you won’t come that year, and that you may come next year…

Aba Changed job. He’s still working the Office of education, but after 11 years he was in charge of building the schools, he is now in charge of giving the teachers their salaries (Yes including Ima salary…). He got a bigger budget but smaller flexibility to play with.

They went to see the new baby in the family today. She was supposed to be born in 20th of July but her mother decided to make a Ceaser surgery instead of another natural birth (that means she can no longer give natural birth, only surgery. That’s if, she’ll want more…). They didn’t named her yet.

Nathan spent his day watching the couple match in tennis between Israel and Russia. We won and the first time in history we’ll play in the semi-final of Davis Cup (you should know better then us what’s that means, you are the one that played tennis). He made so much noise each time the team gained some point, that the all neighborhood knew we won. Although they religious and can’t watch TV on Sabbath they were very interested in the game, so they all listen to Nathan. When the game over Aba sent Nathan to tell them the score.

The End

Director – Sthepen Spilbereg
Producer – /….

Take care