Privacy – 224th day of war

You got no privacy in the army, but staying in house in defense is another level of having no privacy even during military reserve duty (more than the IDF basic training if you asks me).

You got to used staying with 5 to 20 more people in the same room and sharing your talks and thoughts with them. But you almost have the option to walk couple of dozens meter aside and have a bit of privacy: talks with your wife, take a poop on the field, and so on.

Here you have no where to go. You are not allowed to go up to the roof, or you will be identified as a Hamas terrorist. You cannot move inside the building as it all ruined or burnt and you might get hit from a sniper or something might collapse on your head. There is nothing to talk about going down to the street or walk to another building as those might be more dangerous than staying inside.

The toilets are also not a place to hide in. A friend from the army used to talk with me from the toilets in his house after his second daughter was born, as this was the only place he can had couple of minutes alone (at least that what he claims). That can be said as well on the army – it was a place you could close the door and sit alone with yourself.

Here even the bathroom are shared. You either sits in a toilet without a door in the best case, in front of the all platoon. Or, in the worst case you sits in front of  one of the guards and take poop in a bag.

Take Care

60 people crowded in a single apartment with no privacy what so ever60 people crowded in a single apartment with no privacy what so ever