Selling your privacy for advertisement


When I was a student, one of the of friends asked me: “How much they pay you to wear this shirt?”. It took me a moment to realize what he was talking about: Some one pays me to wear my t-shirt? I don’t remember anyone pays me for that…  =|

Well he was right – I should have get paid, after all I was a walking advertisement for some coffee house in Haifa. They paid for the t-shirt that was for some event we had in the Technion. I got the t-shirt for free and walked around with their name on my back. He had a point in asking me that, and he was right. He did make me think about wearing those kind of shirts. I have a bunch of running shirts form running events. Except the fact I don’t want to show off about where and when I run, the full of advertisement. In this case, I paid to run and to get the t-shirt and it still of full of ads =/

Today we went to buy ourselves a new mattress. I never bought something like this, so we spent some time on the internet. We realize what we want and found a kind of a family store to purchase it in. After paying we were promised some gifts if we would post a pic of turn the wheel of fortune on Facebook.

We did it, and maybe because I don’t post much on Facebook I got pretty much reactions to it. Now, we did got something for this post. Maybe a hundred NIS  (=28$) worth gifts? Was it worth it? To let my privacy off for this price?

I took the post after couple of hours. It was enough advertisement for those 100 NIS. I guess most of whoever watch and react did it in this short time. I could have buy this stuff in the same store and keep the privacy of my Facebook profile. I still believe I can control it. Unlike my sister in law that go with the attitude of “They already know anything about me, why not getting the profit out o it?”

Jannaeus turn the wheel (I know it is advertisement, but I guess you won’t be buying mattress in Israel any time soon =P)

Take Care