Coronavirus democracy 👑


Last week, before the emergency law were approved by the temporary government, the black flag protest against the Coronavirus democracy, based on cars with black flag was stopped on the way to Prime Minister office. The reason was, according to officials, it is unhealthy on those times and it against the public health with Coronavirus Guidelines (according to the guidelines – they were all in cars, each car with single person).

Although it hasn’t been prevented in the emergency laws, set by the temporary government on Thursday – yesterday protest was a virtual protest on Facebook with over 500,000 protesters.

Lucy Aharish, a journalist who took part in the protest, was fired from Kan 11 (Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation) was fired. Although Kan denies it has connection to the virtual protest, it has hard to see it. She has been fired the day after the protest…

It does seems this Coronvirus crisis is being used by Bibi, as our temporary Prime Minister (for over a year and half) and accused in crimes, to thearthen the Democracy as to save his political career.  Call it Coronavirus democracy if you would like. All agree the Coronavirus epidemic is real, but for the moment, there is no functioning government, courts or parliament to criticizes his decisions. And still we prevent from calling a tyrant, but prefer King.

“You cannot compare…” but in 1933 the economic crisis led to three elections in Germany. Because no party managed to set a coalition. The last elections led to parliament  government  spread away the parliament and change the basic laws of the country without an approval of the Reichstag. What happened after, we all know.

Take Care

Virual protest and Lucy Aharish who lost her job the day after - Coronavirus democracyVirtual protest and Lucy Aharish who lost her job the day after