July 15th 2011 – Haifa, Israel – New Middle East

Haifa, Israel
If there is one thing Israel proud of, is that we are the new Middle East.

While Egypt and all the countries around it are still ages behind the Europe, We are leading the future.

After coming from Egypt I had arguments with Ahmed, a Muslim I met there.
“We develop chips for computers, grow trees in the desert, look on the life quality here. Look how much Israel gave to world in its 63 years! What did the Arab world gave to the world since the Algebra? I will tell – Terror.”

Is it so? Do we really a new Middle east? I laughed on Ahmed. Told him that instead on focusing in the real problems of the Arab world (hunger, work, education, crime). They blame everything on Israel.

Since then a lot of river flow in the Nile, and not a lot of it flow in the Jordan river.

The Egyptians kicked Mubarak, not because of Israel. Because of the same problems I mentioned above. Will it be better in the future? I don’t knew, but the Egyptians took responsibility for their life.

We also demonstrated about important things….

The price of the Cottage cheese…

Only when I understood that we are no longer the new Middle East. WEe never were, We are the middle east. Our leaders lie to us about the same problems, and blame the Arabs for all our problems:

– Gilad Shalit still in “prison” – We cannot do nothing, it is the Arabs.
– Everything cost a lot – We need money for the army
– No trains or public transportation – It hard to defend on it against terrorists
– While the Arab people around us do something to change their life, we keep working harder and get less.

We are the old Middle East – They are the new one.

Take Care

The cottage cheese - "The Cheese with the house" - new Middle EastThe cottage cheese – “The Cheese with the house”

"Cottage cheese - Probably with diamonds in the bottom" "Milking the Israli house" - new Middle East“Cottage cheese – Probably with diamonds in the bottom” “Milking the Israli house”

epa02814457 A general views shows Egyptian protesters performing the Friday prayer during a protest aimed at pressuring the country's military rulers into expediting the prosecution of former regime officials, in Tahrir Square Cairo, Egpyt, 08 July 2011. According to local sources, protesters are disappointed at what they say the slow pace of bringing former president Hosny Mubarak, ousted in a popular revolt earlier this year, and tainted officials to justice. EPA/KHALED ELFIQI new Middle EastTahrir Square in Cairo during the protests