July 24th, 2014 – 17th Day of Operation Protective Edge

July 24th, 2014
Haifa, Israel
17th Day of Operation Protective Edge
The deeper and deeper our soldier getting in, they find more and more terror tunnels. This might be our Vietnam: Terror tunnels that run from the strip inside Israel that used to attack us, Terror tunnels that run from house to house inside Gaza strip that use to attack the soldiers that entered the strip and smuggling tunnels (Gaza strip in under siege, and they smuggle everything from gasoline to sheep and cars).

Some of the terror tunnels that were found led straight the dinning rooms of kibbutzim around Gaza strip. Now, that we understand the amounts of those tunnels, it seems that they are an strategic threat on Israel not less than the rockets. For the rockets we have developed the Iron dome system, now we have to work on a way to prevent of or to stop those tunnels…

It was a good morning… and a good day. It’s been long since we had one like that.
Wake up to a morning with no more casualties to our forces =).

It’s Nathan birthday =) 28 years old, Ima wanted to make a double party, for him and for Fatma that has a birthday in a couple of days. Both probably won’t be home: Fatma will stay to guard the base and Nathan might be still in Gaza strip

The pictures are from cryptome.org website.

Take Care

07242014-01s One of the endless tunnels, some has light and air rotation.One of the endless tunnels, some has light and air rotation.

07242014-02s IDF soldier on the exit of a terror tunnel that end in Israel area.IDF soldier on the exit of a terror tunnel that end in Israel area.

07242014-03s Digging the tunnels. - Terror tunnels07242014-09s Digging the tunnels. - Terror tunnels 07242014-05s Digging the tunnels. - Terror tunnelsDigging the tunnels.

07242014-10s Smuggling - from sheep to wives - Terror tunnelsSmuggling – from sheep to wives

Operation Protective Edge – Exploding terror tunnels by Givati and Engineering Corps.