bumper stickers

After Rabin was shot dead, we heard they giving the Shalom, Haver (=”Goodbye, my friend”) stickers in the grocery store near my school. That was what Bill Clinton said in the his eulogy:  “Because words cannot express my true feelings, let me just say, Shalom, haver. Goodbye, friend.”

When I was a kid we bumper stickers used to be political. Aba hate those bumper stickers on the car. While all the cars on the street had bumper stickers, our car didn’t even had the bumper sticker of the garage Aba did is annual test in.

Today this is how the care looks everywhere: with a smooth butt. I came to the conclusion that today most of the people gets their car from work. They change it every 3 years, it isn’t really their car but a rental car. Maybe this is a reason they don’t feel like writing down their opinion on something not theirs. Or maybe they know it will be removed and they’ll have to pay for it.

Later I realized it might just be a fashion, and I came across this article (in Hebrew). It says that the golden era of the bumper stickers was during the 90’s. Most of the bump stickers were from the right side of the political map. Since Rabin murder, the right didn’t feel good with the stickers and slowly they disappeared. Now we also have the internet and people feel less comfortable with “arguing” in the streets, they prepare a post in Facebook.

Take care

Shirat Hasticker (=”The sticker song”) – a hip hop song from 2004, which its lyrics are made up completely from stickers slogans.


Kind of old fashioned bumper stickers - with political saying from the protests of 2011(I wrote about  here, here and here)

Kind of old fashioned bumper stickers – with political saying from the protests of 2011(I wrote about  here, here and here)

New wave of bumper stickers – For runners, bikers and swimmers. Showing off how much they run. I didn’t got a sticker when I finished my Marathon….

Jeep usually have their own set of stickers
Jeep usually have their own set of stickers


Vegan bump stickers
Vegan bump stickers
A company car sticker, sometimes with a number to call to if they drive in a dangerous way
Company car sticker

A company car sticker, sometimes with a number to call to if they drive in a dangerous way