August 29th, 2014 – Smell – NYC, NY, USA

August 29th, 2014
That City has a smell.

A smell that remind me my last visit here about 7 years ago, after the army service and my big-after-army-trip to south America.

It is the smell of the subway, It hit me when we took it to our hotel in Midtown Manhattan.

I guess it is the smell of the grease that it used on the tracks, the smell of the electricity, the rotten wood of the tracks. I do not have a good sense of smell, but this one is strong enough so I can smell it. It has, how do define it? “Interesting” odor…

I always thought that it had something to do with the fact that it runs underground. But the the station we entered was on the ground level, so I guess I can really say it’s NYC subway system smell (Not that anyone planning on making a perfume out of it…)

Take Care

08292014-03 Ventilating the subway... That way you get the subway odor even when you are in the street and it is underground! =)Ventilating the subway… That way you get the subway odor even when you are in the street and it is underground! =)

08292014-01 Smell - The Empire State Building from the roof of our hotel =)The Empire State Building from the roof of our hotel =)

08292014-02 Smell - Flatiron Building - one of NYC earlier skyscraper (I'm a civil engineer, what do you think I would look at in NYC? =)Flatiron Building – one of NYC earlier skyscraper (I’m a civil engineer, what do you think I would look at in NYC? =)

08292014-04 Smell - The new One World Trade Center Tower - that is something that wasn't here the last time I was here.The new One World Trade Center Tower – that is something that wasn’t here the last time I was here.

08292014-05 Smell - The September 11 memorial On places of the twin towers, there are two black pools. The water are spilling from the edges to floor of the pool, and from there to a hole in the center of it.The September 11 memorial On places of the twin towers, there are two black pools. The water are spilling from the edges to floor of the pool, and from there to a hole in the center of it.

08292014-06 Smell - Manhattan waterfront from the south.Manhattan waterfront from the south.

New York City - USA

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New York City - USA 40.712700, -74.005900