Temple Mount crisis

Sometimes I feels like the people that handles this country, acts like it their family mafia in a small village. None of them thinks they handle one of the most delicate places on earth –  Temple mount. The just take the first suggestion that comes up, react to the terror attack with no sensitivity and order to set up metal detectors in the entrances to the mount. The waqf (Muslim temple mount authority) decides that no Muslim will go up to the mount, and call for anger days. And there anger days….

Are we on the edge of another round? only days will tell.
Yes it was a terror attack on temple mount, and something had to be done. Was this the right thing to do? By the reactions it doesn’t look like the right thing…

We are planning on going down to a new spring down by Dolev settlement on Friday. But as the days pass it seem more unlikely we’ll go there. Sure not with a small baby.

No, what really frighting me is that not the really issue over here…

You probably think to yourself – how on earth can the Temple Mount, the terror attack and riots and the focus not be the issue?! Well the fact that we all look on it waiting for the next news alert means we won’t hear the real news – the news about our PM Benjamin Netanyahu criminal investigations ….

Take care

P.S. – The  is Temple Mount crisis ended as a fiasco….