July 13h, 2014 – 6th Day of Operation Protective Edge

July 13h, 2014
Har Adar, Israel
6th Day of Operation Protective Edge
We sit down and watching the Final of 2014 World Cup: Argentina against Germany. Might be the Hamas terrorists are watching it too – the information about alarms pops only during the time outs…

Germany won the world cup after they scored a goal in the 113th minute.

Although Nathan was drafted too and it seems he has no time to watch the game, it seems he is still updated with the score =).

Someone has to work… I sat alone in my room on the office  while my co-worker and boss sitting with me are drafted. I keep arguing with architects over where the columns of the new buildings will be (maybe I will tell you of it later).

In the Radio alarms are sounded when a rocket is being launched from Gaza strip toward Israel. In my browser I have an open tab of tzevaadom.com – a site showing where the alarm are sounded (kind of Geography lesson =). One of the rockets Hamas shot landed near Haifa, in an open field – so now alarm was heard here, too

Take Care

07132014-02  tzevaadom.com site when no alarm is sounded in Israel. 2014 World Cup tzevaadom.com site when no alarm is sounded in Israel.

07132014-0307132014-04 - tzevaadom.com site when alarm is sounded.The bottom image is a zoom in pic, where you can see the that rockets where shot at a range between Hadera and Tel Aviv. 2014 World Cuptzevaadom.com site when alarm is sounded.The bottom image is a zoom in pic, where you can see the that rockets where shot at a range between Hadera and Tel Aviv.

07132014-01 The 2014 World Cup with information about alarms in Ashkelon (up in right) and in Zikim and Karmia (on the bottom).The 2014 World Cup with information about alarms in Ashkelon (up in right) and in Zikim and Karmia (on the bottom).