November 11th 2009 – Spring



Hey girl,

I think about it even more those days when all my friends talking about when and how they will go to South America.

I wanted to drive that morning to check out the new spring Nathan (my little brother) found out about. The problem he took the car yesterday night. I had two choices: to do nothing until  he will come back – or start walking. It was a nice walk to get there – walking by pretty much hostile Arab villages in places I had never walk and only saw from the car window (because of the hostile villages). When I got there Nathan and Nili (his girlfriend) where already there sitting by the spring, with other friends and waiting for me. They tried not to get into the freezing spring water but the moment I jumped in  – all the boys had to prove they are really man and to get into the spring… 🙂

They both (Nathan and Nili) went to the 14th Memorial of Yitzhak Rabin murder. It was supposed to be last week but was rejected due the bad weather condition. It looks more and more like a singing festival instead of a memorial – with a lot of singers and bands…

Nathan and I bought Yoni (our elder sister) a mobile DVD player so she can see movies on the bus on her way to and from the work.

I went to run with some friends, but we lost the car’s keys and had to wait to girlfriend of one of them pick us up and take us to his house to get the keys and back there to drive his car to his house (I did the last part because he and his girlfriend were on a hurry). The point is that I missed family dinner on Friday night. I didn’t see Yoni so she couldn’t thank me – so she send an SMS. My parents are mad at her, saying she had to call me and thank me. In a matter of fact Nathan don’t allow me to give him money for it because he makes so much money in his job in the IDF, and got nothing to do with it (want some?…. 🙂

Guri (my other little brother) spent all of his weekend with his girlfriend (Gal) in an hotel in Eilat. Somehow they manage to live very good and not pay to much at all. We call it “Combined”, Well it sound much better in Hebrew, although we use the English word with Hebrew prefix.

Fatma is sick again. Ima is getting worried about her and so am I, Maybe there is something wrong with her immune system.

I got a ticket to Nepal with the EWB, I don’t really sure why they want me to come with them – I am pretty outsider (I mean more then I am really am in social groups). I am not American/ Canadian, I am the only undergraduate there. I came there because it was fun to built something…..?

I had an Ultrasound Friday to find out if maybe they can find my missing kidney (there is none but I think maybe if someone will find it, he will get a big prize :-).

A friend of mine try to match me up with someone, and made us friends through the Facebook (although I don’t really understand what I need to do there, talk with people? I don’t talk with people. I can “not talk” with people without having Facebook). Do I go out with her and fall in love with her? I don’t think so. Why? Probably because I still love you and waiting for you. Do I know it is only a dream to be with you? Yes.   So? I don’t know…. =/

Take Care