1 precent

About 2 months ago an article was published in Haaretz, that only about 1 precent of the population is serving in military reserve duty (about 120,000 soldiers), which are 17% of the population in ages that can serve.

Only 5% of Israel population (490,000 people) is eligible for military reserve duty in Israel (4% of those who in age to serve). But only fifth of those serve when called up for duty.

The IDF is reffered to as the “army of the people” as everybody has to draft to it as they are 18 years old. It is part of Ben Gurion idea of using the IDF as a Melting Pot, to create the Israel as a nation: where the Jews that imigrated back to Israel drom different countries will become Israeli Jews.

But this is only true “on the paper” as they say. Many are not drafting, making the army more and more defined by sector – more religous, more suburban based, more low class and smaller relatively to the population.

And the exact same process happens to the reserve duty. It clear that anyone who does not want to get drafted for military reserve, will not come. It means only those who wish to come are here.

So why are we here? It is not for money as nobody get paid better here. Nor for the food or better conditions (sleeping on the ground is not really comfortable). The joke used to be reserve duty is a vacation from work, kids and wife – but it is only a joke.

It leaves it with only one reason – because it is important. Because some one need to do it. I guess it make me a sucker, but I always been one.

Take Care

The 1 precent the training in Tze'elimThe 1 precent training in Tze’elim

And carrying a strecher in a short army trek. 1 precentAnd carrying a strecher in a short army trek.