September 6th 2012 – Siesta

envelope - Siestabooknegative - Siesta
“Here is a camping store!”
We were in a hunt after a camping store to buy gas for our stove. It was important for we were to sleep in camping sites and had to cock.
But not only that this camping store were closed, all the camping stores around were closed. But there was a logical reason for that, it was 13:00.
Now, if you live in US (and we know you are) you probably won’t find any reason in it. I, also, did not find the logic when I first saw it. Both in Israel and the US, stores open almost all day, especially the big ones.
But where you originally came from, it used to be that way – You got a Siesta.

But it more than a Siesta, it how you look at life. And here you find, like many times, Europe on one side and the US on the other side.

Do you keep working to earn more money in order to buy more? Or do you stop, eat a good meal chat with your friends rest and keep working?

I am sure that when you look at that, this way it is obvious. And don’t tell me that in the first case you just go home earlier… that doesn’t really happen =)

Take Care